I think Spring is my favourite season. Come summer, when the sun is high and school is out, or come fall when the leaves are alight in beautiful colours, or even come the start of winter when glittering snow starts to fall, I may change my mind. I have a soft spot for each season, and luckily I get to enjoy all of them where I live. But spring? It’s a time for new things. It’s when seeds are planted and beauty ensues. It’s also a time for new beginnings. I figure it’s a good time to tell you about a few things.
This Sunday, on April 10th 2011, I’ll be speaking at the Calgary Celiac Association’s Annual General Meeting :).
Then, this May I’ll be speaking on a panel at BlogHer Food 2011 in Atlanta, with my dear friends Elissa, Hannah, Kamran and Tessa! Will you be there? I’d love to know!
But right now? It’s time for the second Gluten-Free Ratio Rally. This month is hosted by Silvana of Silvana’s Kitchen, and we’re giving you quickbreads. (Last month was pancakes, where I made vegan whole grain ones!). A whole bunch of recipes, a whole bunch of outlooks, and a lovely ratio. Ratios are measurements by weight, which allow us to switch out flours and flavours really easily. You can choose from any of the recipes or piece one together of your own. Ratios make things simple and really quite fun! The ratio of this recipe is 2:2:1:1:1 of Flours : Liquid : Fat : Eggs : Sugar. In my case, I used the ratio of 8 ounces : 8 ounces : 4 ounces : 4 ounces : 4 ounces. Add some baking powder, salt, flavourings and add-ins and you’re good to go!
I decided to make a cocoa quickbread. It’s a little different (but I certainly don’t mean that in a bad way!). Cocoa lends depth and little chocolate chips add swirls of sweetness. It’s a touch sweet, but also savoury. Something that won’t give you a toothache from the sugar yet also has sweet tones. I don’t think I’m explaining it too well. My dad said it was a “savoury chocolate cake – the kind of cake I like.” I think of it as an ideal afterschool snack: it’s complex, chocolatey and not overly sweet. From dessert to breakfast, I think it can fit into any category pretty well! Best of all, it’s easy. Especially if you have a scale.
I developed this recipe on the scale, so I unfortunately don’t have volume measurements. I tried to include the volume measurements, but honestly they were much too vague for my liking, with heaping and scant measurements. Not that you have to buy a scale, but I’ve found myself switching over more and more to them. It’s simpler and makes my baking flow better. Best of all, it means less dishes! You can find them fairly inexpensively, too. Whenever I make recipes I’ve written about in the past, I don’t bother with the cup measurements, opting for the mass ones almost without exception.
And plus, it’s spring! Perfect time to try something new, whether it’s one of these quickbreads or testing out a scale. In fact, why not do something big, and go for whatever you’ve been putting off? Monica Bhide wrote this beautiful post about how someday never comes that really pulled on a lightswitch in my head.
Cocoa Quickbread
1.00 oz / 28 g tapioca starch/flour
1.00 oz / 28 g sweet rice flour
1.00 oz / 28 g millet flour
1.00 oz / 28 g quinoa flour
1.00 oz / 28 g ground flax seed
1.50 oz / 43 g brown rice flour
1.50 oz / 43 g cocoa
4.00 oz / 113 g sugar
1 tsp salt
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
8.00 oz / 227 g milk, at room temperature
2 large eggs, at room temperature (4.00 oz / 113 g)
1 stick unsalted butter, melted and cooled (4.00 oz / 113 g)
1/2 tsp vanilla
2.00 oz / 57 g chocolate chips (mini or regular)
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and grease an 8 by 4 inch loaf pan.
In a large bowl, whisk together flours, flax, cocoa, sugar, salt and baking powder. In a medium-sized bowl or a large (4-cup) measuring cup, whisk together milk, eggs, butter and vanilla.
Pour liquids into the dry ingredients. Whisk lightly to bring together. Once all of the flour is incorporated and the batter is uniform, fold in the chocolate chips.
Pour batter into your prepared loaf pan and bake for 45 to 50 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean.
Let cool in the pan on a wire rack. Remove from the pan and enjoy!
I love it when the light surprises me. This was taken at five, and the sun didn’t go down for ages after that. Spring is certainly in the air.
I loved this. When you sliced into it, the chocolate chips still were melted. They danced between melted and not in such a way that you didn’t notice them until you felt their smooth sweetness on your tongue.
I saw a beach over spring break. Well, actually I saw many. San Diego is beautiful this time of year. Perhaps I’ll tell you about that trip sometime.
And yes, I wore my boots on the beach. It was a foggy day and the beach we walked on was hard enough that you didn’t sink in. I was mesmerized by the patterns made in the sand. Nature is certainly a beautiful thing.
The tiny blooms caught my breath. Calgary is still covered in snow, slowly turning the snowbanks into rivers as it melts at varying speeds. But there, down in Southern California? It was spring (bordering on summer, in my books!).
These flowers took my breath away. There were so many, and the tree (bush?) was so thick. Small blooms or large, big changes or small, Spring is a time of growth. So go for it, whatever your it may be!

{ 21 comments… read them below or add one }
this sounds so delicious – my husband would love it!
I said it elsewhere, but this looks just delicious. Going to make it soon for my monkey who loves him some chocolate.
Lauren, this bread looks wonderful! And I love your beautiful post and photos.
Lauren, your quick bread looks marvelous, it makes me think of an organic moist gingerbread that is a favorite of mine here in France.
I really like your posts, your writing as well as your pictures. You don’t just pour a recipe on the Net. Keep going, and that is fantastic that so much seems to be ahead of you! Bravo!
Lauren – why is it you don’t have your own book yet? I could keep reading what you write forever! That recipe looks like I could run into the kitchen right now and measure away and come out with that exact loaf (no small feat!). I’m a big (not too sweet) chocolate fan.
You are a treasure. Blogher and CCA are quite fortunate to have you speak (and your friends, too!) Wish I could be there.
I really do want a slice of this cake – right now!
Congrats on the announcements, Lauren! Especially the BlogHer Food one – that event just keeps getting better and better!
Your quick bread looks fabulous. I love the light. And, of course, chocolate anything is a favorite of mine!
This sounds & looks ah-mazing! Thank you for sharing & happy to connect with another gf blogger!
Congrats on your speaking engagements Lauren!! And simply a gorgeous looking quickbread – I agree, it’s hard to directly convert weights to volumes, there’s just no avoiding all the inevitable variation in volume measurements… definitely easier with a scale 🙂
Oh my word this makes me wish I did a chocolate one. I like the simple things so this is definitely right up my alley. 🙂 Congrats on Blogher 2011! That makes me wish I lived in America! A lot of wishing going on here…
this quickbread sounds marvelous! i love chocolate desserts that aren’t overly-sweet; the depth and nuances of cocoa and chocolate are so much deeper when they aren’t masked by tons of sugar.
i too prefer baking by weight and using a scale. it’s how we bake in culinary school, and it just makes so much more sense!
Lauren, this looks wonderful! I love the fact that it is chocolate, but not too sweet and has some substance to it. Looking forward to making it! 🙂
what a pretty loaf… you’re right, the light hits just right. beautiful and delicious!
Great to hear you will be speaking in Calgary in April. I might have to try to make it out. Wish you all the best in all your speaking engagements. We need more people like you getting the word out.
wow! this sounds (and looks) so good. More chocolate is always better!
Lovely pictures; good luck with your speaking…you are amazing and a fabulous baker! Such a great recipe and happy to be a part of this Rally with you! Enjoy your weekend!
Beautiful! Love that sand shot with your boots. I took one similar in flipflops last week, but thought better of showing the world my bare feet… Hope your trip went well!
Cocoa and quick? I think this is one recipe that I do NOT want to put off any longer 🙂
Lovin your recipes and photography! Great work!
Lauren, I only recently discovered your site via links from other gluten free ratio rally participants. And I’m so glad I did! I made a version of your cocoa quickbread and it came out marvelously. Thank you for sharing this recipe. Here is your bread in my kitchen: http://86thegluten.wordpress.com/2011/04/21/gluten-free-cocoa-muffins/
Hi Lauren,
I just recently found your blog and am so impressed with your pictures, recipes and posts! I’m looking forward to joining in on the gluten-free ratio rally this coming month! This cocoa quickbread looks awesome by the way!!
Mmm this looks so good! You make me want to try it! And I DO have a scale!
I made GF zucchini bread yesterday, and I LOVE IT!
I love the flower pictures too. Thanks for showing us a piece of your life!
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