Celiac, Life, and of course, Vacation!

by Lauren | Celiac Teen on August 6, 2008

So awhile back (something like my second post), I did a thank you post. It is one post that I really believe in. Thank you can be two of the most powerful words one can say. Thank you, for reading this. Thank you for commenting. I am always super excited whenever anyone says that they will come back. Either for a friend with celiac or they themselves just got diagnosed (or even are in the process of getting there).

I love the concept of a community like this. There are no borders, no exclusions, just like celiac. Anyone can get it, and more importantly, anyone can thrive with it. I know celiac is half of my blog’s name, but it doesn’t define me, just like teen doesn’t. Together, they are two parts of who I am, now. In ten years, teen won’t apply. Celiac won’t ever go away, but it will get easier. It already has. Life is good. Vacations are good. This life will be on vacation. See you all in two weeks.

Right now, I’m heading to visit my family. Far away. I will be back soon. I’m sorry that there won’t be any posts, unless I happen to find some time to make something, take pictures and write it all up on here (sorry, but it’s not all that likely). My last post on me going away has some good stuff to keep you busy (and, of course you have your own wonderful life to live!), but just wait 2 weeks, give or take a day, and I’ll do my best to have something up on here, even if I’m just telling you that I am back and not sleeping 24/7.

So, I’ll do my best to post your comments asap after you write them, but no promises! I’m not sure at all of my computer access.

Lastly, enjoy your summer, your family, your friends, and your free time. Life can be anything, so let it be what you want it to be.


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