Think of the last thing you ate that was deep fried. Got it? Although my wontons are a recent memory, the biggest deep fried memory I have are mini donuts. They don’t even call them doughnuts, just donuts because they’re mini. They’d be freshly deep fried, with cinnamon sugar poured all over. You could eat them all day. In fact, for that one day each year, you would. Of course, these were not homemade. They were probably made by underpaid (possibly overpaid) teens, who would rather be somewhere else with their friends. This month for Daring Bakers, we made cannoli. These ones were made for free by this teenager (guess that would make me underpaid?) and I wouldn’t rather be anywhere else. Something about kneading a dough with your own hands, rolling it out and cutting into random shapes with the hope that it will all turn out perfectly. Then, they puffed! Really really big. Some had just one giant air bubble. Made them look like suns.
Then there was the morning after. Oh, the pain. Worst heartburn I’ve ever had. So, unfortunately it looks like I won’t be making these again, because that was torture. I was planning on making a filling to go with it, the next day, but since I knew I wouldn’t be having any more, that didn’t happen. Sorry!
Enough about that, I’ve got pictures!
I used this cannoli recipe, just subbing 1 cup of sorghum for 1 cup of the brown rice flour, and adding a lot more liquid. At least half a cup, maybe more. Just so it came together, and wasn’t a crumbly mess. Because it was, for quite some time! And there was a lot of kneading. Lots and lots. Gluten free baking can be so magical, because you never quite know if you’re going to get what you first envisioned!
Thanks to Lisa Michele for this challenge! I really did love it, even if the after effects weren’t so great.

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