I was nervous about these. Like really nervous. You see, for the gluten-eating people, they just had to buy a package of frozen wonton wrappers, come up with some perfect filling, fry and eat. Not that that is really simple, but they did have the gluten to rely on. So, I had to make my own wrappers. Although Jaden suggested using rice paper, I decided that the more like-wheat the better, so homemade wrappers it was. In fact, I used the same wrappers that I used in the dumpling challenge.
I was so ready for these to fail – you have no idea. I heated up the oil & tested it with a wooden spoon, plopped a thin piece of dough in and waited. Not too long, but just a bit. Then, I pulled it out of the oil and let it cool. But the most exciting thing happened. They puffed. Not just any puff, but big huge bubbles. Bigger than some of the wheat-using people. You have no idea how excited this made me. They looked real – a little on the white side (due to the rice & tapioca flours), but actual wonton-esque.
So, I got to work making wontons. Because I had just made my own dough (which happens to be the simplest dough in the world), I decided to add something to it – cinnamon. So my wontons were cinnamon spiked. Perfect to go with my filling. Leftovers. Beautiful, delicious, leftovers. Remember these
Pumpkin Cupcakes? Well I still had some canned pumpkin in my fridge, so that was the first part. Remember how those pumpkin cupcakes had this delicious
maple cream cheese icing that made waaaaay too much? Well that was part two. Enveloped by the cinnamon-y goodness, there was a bit of pumpkin and some of that cream cheese icing. I’m warning you now – That icing is uber-addicting. Absolutely delicious. I could eat the entire container with a spoon. Really, it wouldn’t be that hard. Just say the word and I’ll do it.
Okay, so the icing is a little bit too addicting. It really is that good.
Anyways, I also did a couple of surprise ones. They’ve got a section of mandarin orange in the centre. Yeah. These get hot, so make sure that they have sufficiently cooled before digging in. Hot orange tastes good, but be careful – it burnt my mouth.
Lastly, I made a couple of tiny, really tiny chocolate filled wontons. Someone said that the chocolate got all melty and gooey, so I couldn’t pass that up. And thats exactly how they were =D.

A test wonton – fresh out of the oil!
Icing, pumpkin, icing. Yum.
Pumpkin & icing & an orange.
My little ball of chocolate!
Cinnamon dough – it really is good.
I believe that this is a pumpkin&icing one on the left, and a just orange one on the right.

Yup. This sucker burnt my tongue – but I’m okay…
These were delicious, especially when they had just had a couple minutes to cool down, but the filling was still warm.

Pumpkin & icing. With icing on top.
A doughnut shaped one. Why not?
I fried up some sheets too. They puffed up so gorgeously, I couldn’t help myself!
I definitely recommend trying this out. Whether you buy some at the store (if you can have gluten), or make this recipe, its completely worth it! Don’t forget the icing though.
PS – The thinner I made the dough, the more they puffed up.
PPS – I joined Twitter. @celiacteen
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