Being fall, with leaves changing, snow threatening and people dressing warmer, nothing stays the same. Except maybe for my love of pumpkin. And food. Anyways, fall is a time for change, positive, exciting changes.
Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. I love this too much =D. And no, I’m not writing on another blog. However, I did join twitter. Yup – although I don’t know a soul in face-to-face life who does it, I know so many awesome GF bloggers that do. Since I’m a GF blogger, and twitter looks like fun, I decided to join too =D.
You can follow me @celiacteen. Don’t forget to follow me here too. This is where the big magic happens ;D
The other little changes are here. I added a search box up there ^> and I got rid of the alphabetical blog list, made a link to awards and added a feed button. Not HUGE changes, but positive ones nonetheless.
However, being a season, some things always return. With Thanksgiving still a recent memory, and an abundance of turkey leftover, my mom made a delicious turkey potpie.
No, I don’t have a recipe for you. Mom doesn’t cook with one most of the time, so finding values isn’t always easy.
However, the basic gist of the recipe goes as follows:
Start with some butter, in a pan. Once it has melted, move pot off the heat and mix an equal amount of flour into the butter. Put back on the low-medium heat & add milk. Whisk to stir it. Once it’s heated up a bit, throw in some dry mustard & whisk. Salt & pepper to taste. If it starts to get too thick, add milk. Stir until it starts to bubble. Add whatever leftover gravy you have (if none, add some bouillon). Add cut up turkey. Stir. Take a package of frozen, mixed vegetables (or fresh if you prefer) & mix in. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F. Bring to a simmer, simmer for at least 15 minutes, until the entire mixture is very hot. Prepare baking powder biscuits while waiting. Put hot mixture into casserole dish & place biscuits on top. Immediately place in oven & cook according to biscuit recipe. Place extra biscuits on a pan & cook at the same time (they may be done sooner). Let cool a little, then Eat!!
This is my entry into Slightly Indulgent Mondays. I know it’s Wednesday, but it’s gluten free, and Amy is having a lovely giveaway for gift certificates =D. It is also linked to Linda’s What Can I eat That’s Gluten Free? Also, in giveaway news – Winnie of The Healthy Green Kitchen is giving away Elana’s The Almond Flour Cookbook…

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