Gluten Free Pasta from scratch is no small feat. It gets dry and crumbly and might not look the way you hoped, but boy is it good. Heaven on earth is what came to mind after taking that first bite. Honestly, I may not quite remember what real wheat pasta tastes like (and surely don’t know what homemade wheat pasta is like), but I’m pretty sure this is up there with the best of ’em. At least it is in my eyes.
I used the recipe that Mary of Beans and Caviar provided to us during the Lasagne Daring Bakers Challenge. That feels like a year ago, and this was the first time I remade it. I just had to add lots and lots of more liquid. Maybe because my eggs were only large, not extra large, but I just kept adding liquid until it came together. That meant 9 eggs total and a couple of extra splashes of water and oil. Other than my eyeballing, I think it worked out wonderfully! Its funny how revisiting these old challenges can be oddly exciting, and a completely new experience. Each time I’ve made any challenge, first or later, it becomes a different thing, but thats part of why I love this. Honestly, I wasn’t re-doing these challenges on purpose, it just sort of happened. Thats the best type of cooking, at least in my books. I don’t have a recipe for you, as all I did was increase the liquid from that one – but going to this lasagne post will get you the recipe (and the lasagne!). Just form into desired shapes and cook in boiling water until done (~3 minutes for me).
The past couple weeks, I’ve gotten a couple of awards. Thank you to Basht, Katherine, Liz, and Ninette! You guys rock! The first one (X2) is the Over the Top award, which I must answer a slew of questions for, all in one word. Simple? Not so much. There might be a couple-of-hyphens-in-the-answers. Just saying.
Where is your cell phone? Pocket.
Your hair? Wavy.
Your mother? Giving.
Your father? Encouraging.
Your favourite food? Gluten-free (I refuse to choose specifics ;D)
Your dream last night? Don’t-remember (Never do)
Your favourite drink? Water-or-milk-or-juice
Your dream or goal? To-be-able-to-really-exercise-again.
What room are you in? Living-room
Your hobby? Baking (like you had to ask)
Your fear? Heights
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy-and-healthy-with-a-kitchen-to cook-in.
Where were you last night? Home.
Something that you aren’t? Negative.
Muffins? Yum!
Wish list item? Kitchenaid-or-icecream-maker-or-camera-stuff-or-I-don’t-know—
Where did you grow up? Here.
Last thing you did? Homework.
What are you wearing? Sweater-and-jeans-and-a-blanket.
Your TV? Dad-is-watching.
Your pets? 3
Friends? Rock!
Your life? Full-and-happy.
Your mood? Good.
Missing someone? Yes.
Vehicle? None.
Something you’re not wearing? Shoes.
Your favourite store? (Seriously, whats with the choosing favourites? I love too many ;D)
Your favourite colour? ROYGBIV (Kinda changes on a weekly basis)
When was the last time you laughed? Now.
Last time you cried? The-wind-did-it (my eyes like to water with the wind)
Your best friend(s)? Love-them
One place that I go to over and over? Kitchen
One person who emails me regularly? Amy
Favourite place to eat? Home
The next one requires me to tell you why I love to blog. I love doing this because of the food and the people. I started out blogging mostly about my health issues and somehow, it evolved into a food blog. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve really found myself in the kitchen. I work things out, take a break from whatever else is going on, and create. Then, when I show you it becomes exciting. I remember the first time I heard someone had made one of my recipes. I was ecstatic and very shocked. For the most part, I do it for me, but the more I blog, the more intertwined I become in various communities, and I must say that I love every one of them. It’s the thrill of getting accepted at Tastespotting or Foodgawker. The power of a comment. The awe from an email. I do this for me and I do it for you. I love the connections and everything I’ve learned about being gluten free. I do it to help others with health issues that have to deal with dietary changes. I do it for those silent readers that I don’t know exist. I do it for the food. I love it because of everything it is.
I’ve been sitting on this post for awhile, and I can’t chose. Just too many fabulous people and not enough time to pass them all on (and I couldn’t bear to miss anyone!), so (gasp!) I’m just going to gratefully accept these awards. Once again, Thank you to Basht, Katherine, Liz and Ninette! And thank you to everyone who reads me, or ever has, or ever will. I love to do this, and can’t wait to see what the future holds. Its such a beautiful and mysterious thing.
Twitter and Facebook, in case you wanted to give me some more love =D.

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