I… I wish I knew what I wanted to say here. It’s been awhile, to say the least. I’ve been sick. We don’t exactly know what this “sick” is at this point. The cold and sinus infection are out of my system. Now, I’m just doing my best. Each day is a little better, but I’ve missed more school than I can wrap my head around. I’ve dropped most of my classes, which has been a beautiful relief but also tinged with sadness and confusion which my straight-A student brain can’t seem to fully comprehend. So… that’s where I am right now. All of this has meant that baking hasn’t been happening. At least not much, and very rarely by me.
A week ago, I baked for the first time in nearly a month; I sat down a lot, I struggled, I went slow, but I did it. It was perfect. These blondies were fantastically simple. They were exactly what I needed. Even though my appetite has been missing for the greater part of the last month, I wanted more of these. In fact, I still do.
It’s funny how the world changes when you’re sick. You see, I haven’t been to school in quite some time, so that whole human interaction thing? It’s most often limited to those that are in my house. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, but I miss my friends. I miss the laughs, the randomness and the simple friendship. Some have stopped by, and some will soon *hint, hint*. For the most part though? I’ve been floating through the days. Mostly fuzzy, often exhausted, but needing some connection. Something to keep me in the loop, of something. That’s where twitter‘s magic lies.
You see, any time of day you can log on. I get to watch conversations about anything and everything that those I follow are chatting about. I know it’s not the same thing, but the people on the other end of those computers are certainly real (well… in most circumstances!), and they’ve been a lifesaver these past few months. Hearing about the everyday beauty, heartbreak and food (it’s always about the food π ) that they’re enjoying removes some of that disconnect. I get to share the little things that made my day beautiful. We get to feel the love, and make friends. I know that most people that aren’t active on twitter don’t really “get” it, but honestly? It’s a way to connect, and these are real people, real friends. It’s not just random, pointless things. Sure, it can be, but it’s primarily community. This place to connect with people all over the world. From friends to acquaintances to random people to mixtures of all three. It’s a beautiful thing. And sometimes? It’s exactly what you need. In fact, these blondies were born on twitter, with a nudge from Gwendolyn Richards.
Gluten-Free Blondies
1 stick (1/2 cup) salted butter, melted
1 cup packed brown sugar (7.40 oz / 210 g)
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup tapioca starch/flour (1.10 oz / 32 g)
1/4 cup sweet rice flour (1.25 oz / 35 g)
1/4 cup millet flour (1.35 oz / 37 g)
2 tbsp brown rice flour (0.70 oz / 20 g)
3/4 tsp xanthan gum
1/4 slivered almonds
1/4 cup shredded coconut
1/4 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and grease an 8 by 8 inch pan.
Whisk together melted butter and brown sugar in a large bowl, until smooth. Add the egg and vanilla, and whisk until smooth.
In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together the flours and xanthan gum until uniform in colour. Stir the flours into the batter, a third at a time. Once combined, fold in the almonds, coconut and chocolate chips. Scrape into prepared pan and even the batter out through the pan.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out with a crumb or two sticking to it. Let cool, in the pan on a cooling rack. Cut into squares and enjoy!
Linked to Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays.
Enjoy these! And everything else you’re doing. I hope you’re smiling through your days. I am.

{ 43 comments… read them below or add one }
I’m sorry you haven’t been well, Lauren. I really hope you get all better very soon. And, as a school nerd , I know what it’s like to not want to waste a semester – but the important thing is to take care of yourself.
Those blondies look terrific. I hope you can get back to baking soon!
Aw, Lauren, I hope you’re feeling like your young self soon! I’ve missed seeing what’s going on in your kitchen! Those Blondies look AMAZING! Mmm…
Well, in addition to being fantastically simple, those blondies are also fantastically beautiful and I bet they are fantastically delicious, too! π So lovely. Twitter is a magic place, isn’t it? I love the relationships I’ve made there and I always love seeing your smiling face there. Maybe that sounds silly, but when I see @celiacteen, I see you at the computer smiling and typing. π I am sending you all the healing hugs in the world, so you can get past whatever this is that is ailing you, Lauren.
Lauren, I think about you all of the time. I am praying for recovery and wonderful health for you! It makes me so sad to know that you are still not feeling yourself. Just know that we are all here for you and we all just wish that there was so much more we could do than just talk to you through Twitter!! Much love and health to you, my friend.
Oh, and these blondies?? They look divine!!
Oh, Lauren, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with this. I can understand your angst about school, but there’s plenty of time for that. You’ll get back eventually and you will shine.
I feel the exact same way you do about Twitter, and you’ve said it so beautifully. You, my dear, are part of the joy that I find in Twitter every day.
You’ve been in my thoughts too, Lauren. When I see you on twitter and you aren’t feeling well, I always send a little Mama Bear love up North. Hang in there–you haven’t lost your way with words or your camera.
Hope you feel better soon. Your recipes look great.
I hope you are feeling better very, very soon. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.
And, beautiful Blondies. π
These look great, Lauren and I can’t wait to try them!
We’re dealing with the same issue with my daughter. She’s missed so much school and no one can tell us what she has or what to do to get her better and keep her better. It’s so frustrating for her to miss, be behind and not get the grades she is so used to getting. Know that you are not alone and that there are lots of people praying for you!
Lauren, I really hope you feel better soon, sending you lots of well wishes and hugs! And these blondies look just lovely.
So glad it sounds like you’re on the mend! Welcome back to the world of baking and “socializing” with us again on Twitter! : )
Baking has always been cathartic for me – hoping it brings you some joy again as you navigate through this time in your life.
Love you, Lauren. I hope that you can figure out whatever is bringing you down. Let me know if I can help in any way.
These look wonderful! Sorry to hear you haven’t been well – hope you’re feeling better soon π
I understand a lot of what you’re going through, Lauren, and I know it’s not easy. You have such a great outlook on your setbacks and on life in general, and you’re also (as you know) very, very fortunate to have such understanding family and friends. But your attitude is really inspiring–you know that you need to take care of yourself, and you’re good about doing that. It’s the most important thing. Thanks for helping others remember that. π <3
healing hugs to you & the joy of the season!
Gigi π
I’d been wondering where you were. I didn’t realize you were still sick! I hope you’re back to 100% soon, poor thing!
I’m so sorry you have been sick. What a whirlwind to go through. The blondies look delicious, and right now I’m hoping you truly get feeling better. I’ve missed your beautiful posts :).
Lauren I love love love Blondies, and yours look fantastic! It is good to see one of your amazing recipes with your fantastic pics. I’m sorry that you’ve been feeling unwell. I’ll think healthy thoughts for you and you’ll be back at school in no time! xo
Lauren, these blondies look sublime. The texture is very appealing. I can’t wait to try them!
i’m taking these to our support group meeting next weekend and making a double batch to have some for Christmas. I’m so sorry that you’re not feeling well. It’s hard to miss school but your health is the most important. Praying that they find out what this is and can get you back to your old self.
Oh my gosh what a crazy experience to have to go through!! Sending you happy thoughts of gluten free yumminess that everything clears up soon. Keep twittering, and making these beautiful blondies π
So sorry to hear you are not feeling well, and that it has dragged on so long. Know that you have the healing force of the entire online gluten free community behind you and sending you positive ju-ju. π
Big E-hugs,
Hey Lauren,
I’m so sorry to hear you’re still sick! I’ve missed your posts immensely. I’m recently gluten free and you’ve helped SO much in motivating me with beautiful photos and recipes. I love what you said about community, you make me want to become more a part of it! Praying you get better soon! I know not being able to bake must be hell for u.
Do you still eat dairy? I had to give it up along with gluten as it caused sinus problems, migraines & fogginess.
Lauren, what a lovely post. I am sorry to hear of your struggles with health (that I follow on Twitter, of course!) but am so glad to have “met” you. I love that about Twitter too that you can feel connected even when you are alone.
Hang in there, things will get better and in the meantime, don’t stress about us, your friends, we’re not going anywhere! xox
Oy! You poor thing!!! I’m glad to see that you’re coming out of the fog a bit, but I worry about you! These blondies look absolutely incredible–wonderfully moist. I think I need to go and get my hands on some of the ingredients I’m lacking, like xantham gum…. And Amen about Twitter! XOXOXO
I’m so sad for you that you’ve not been well and struggling to find answers. It must be so frustrating. I’m glad you’re feeling better, but hoping that you get some clarity, and that this fog lifts.
Blondies! I had forgotten. I used to make them with cranberries and white chocolate chunks around the holidays, sometimes with orange zest grated into the batter. Thanks for the reminder!
I’m so sorry to hear that you have been sick. I hope that your body starts recovering soon.
I do have a question about this recipe. No leavener like baking soda or powder? Just curious. We used to make blondies when we were eating regular gluten, so this is going to be a fun surprise for my daughter this afternoon. Thank you. π
these look delightful! I’ve never tried making (or eating for that matter) blondies so will give these ago sometime soon.
Hope you are feeling better, nothing worse than when you’re sick and you can’t seem to get outta the slump.
Lauren, You are so strong. I can imagine how hard it’s been and yet you’re still positive and smiling. You are awesome! I’m sending you love and healing prayers! {{{hugs}}} Kelly
PS The blondies look very yummy π
Thank you all – you’re a big part of the reason I’ve been smiling :).
Hi Tammy! Yes, that’s correct. These are bordering on fudgy, and they get their bit of leavening from the egg.
Hi Shari, yes I do. We’re looking at lots of things right now, and that is one of them.
Hi Lauren,
My heart goes out to you during this trying time! It is so hard to be sick and not know what’s going on, but I’m glad to see that you’re working through it. Hang in there, I know that you’ll be back to your old self very soon! As Cheryl of GF Goodness would say, lots of snuggles for you!
Lauren, I am sending love and good energy your way! Things are turning around for you starting NOW! π These blondies look absolutely amazing… I’m going to try making them without eggs and I’ll report back! xoxo
I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling well, Lauren, but know you have a lot of love out here. We’re all thinking about you and praying for you to get better and back to school!
I’m glad you starting to feel a little better, at least enough to get into the kitchen. Feel better!
I made these today…they are really good…too good…I can’t stop eating them!
I know what you mean about feeling disconnected. I’ve been studying for a big exam that is tomorrow (eep!) since the last few days of September – I was going in to the university to meet with my supervisor and friends once a week but for the last month I haven’t gone in to the university at all and it feels weird. I’ve spent a lot of time on Twitter – and you’ve really put your finger on it – there is always someone there chit chatting about something. I use it as a brief study break. I can imagine that deciding to drop some of your courses was a really tough decision – but very smart and mature too – definitely reflective of a good student. I hope you feel better soon (or that they at least figure out what is wrong) and are able to take next semester by storm! I’m off to drop you a note on Twitter π
Catieknits on Twitter
Yum Lauren, you always make such delicious goodies! I’ve also just linked this recipe up in the Top Ten Favorites for Christmas Gifting!
Hi! I don’t usually comment on blogs but I was reading your post and felt like I was reading my own personal experience. I am 15 and have been gluten free for over a year now. I have also had health problems including headaches for over 3 years that have made it hard for me to go school. I know how it feels to be a straight A student and unable to make it through a typical school day. Fortunately, there is a program in my area called Hospital/Homebound which allows students who are unable to make it through school due to health reasons, take classes through the phone and computer. I have been on the program for almost 2 years and it has helped me keep up my straight A grades and also provides some connection to the outside world. If it is available in your area, it might be worth checking out. Like you I have been looking for that connection to people that are outside of my family. I have not yet tried twitter but after your post I am thinking about it.
Other than just being gluten free I also have to avoid cane sugar, millet, yeast, honey, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, avocado, green beans, asparagus, and many more things plus I am a vegetarian. So unfortunately I am not able to make your recipe but it looks delicious. I love to experiment with food and try new recipes, even with all of the restrictions I have. I hop that one day I can try one of your recipes.
I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone out there and to keep experimenting. I hope you start to feel better and that you find answers soon.
Happy Holidays!
~Lauren π
Thanks for sharing this recipe! Your Blondies are listed on my blog as one of the gluten-free treats that Iβve drooled over this Christmas season. http://www.glutenfreecat.com/?p=2403 Iβll be baking them soon! Hope your Christmas was merry and that you’re feeling better.
Lauren – the fact that you are smiling through your days shows what a trooper you are, and that is bound to serve you well as you continue to find your way to good health. Keep up the smiles and know that there are a lot of people in the world who are smiling for and with you.
Gluten Free Diva
These look delicious!!
I came across your site when I googled “gluten free blondies”. I made them last night and they are so delicious!! I didn’t have millet flour so I used sorghum, and I accidentally used oat flour instead of brown rice flour. Your site is really wonderful and I have so many new ideas now.
Thank you so much!!!