The light is changing. It doesn’t last as long. I wake up in the dark and go to bed when it’s dark, rather than light and light. Fall is here. Autumn can be felt in the air. Each tree and hedge is letting the season change in stride. Some are aflame in reds and yellows, while others are clutching their green with every cell. With the new season decidedly here, it’s time for Thanksgiving. Canadian Thanksgiving, of course!
Time to be thankful, time to celebrate what we have. Time to gather with those we love and savour marvelous food. Turkey, pumpkin pie, all the good stuff.
These biscuits are simple. They’re based off of my millet biscuits, using all the same flours and dry ingredients. The cheese is light and just a nice tone. The sharper the cheese you choose, the more pronounced the flavour will be.
Cheese Biscuits
1 cup millet flour
1 cup tapioca flour
1/2 cup sweet rice flour
1 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1 1/2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
6 tbsp unsalted butter, cubed and frozen
40 g (1/4 cup packed) shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/4 cups buttermilk
Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a cookie sheet with a silpat or parchment paper.
Whisk together dry ingredients. Cut in butter with pastry blender until butter is the size of small peas. Toss the shredded cheese into the dry ingredients, ensuring to break up any clumps that may have formed.
Stir buttermilk into dough until it just comes together. Turn dough out onto a well-floured surface (I use sweet rice flour). Pat dough into a rectangle that is about 1 inch high. Cut into squares.
Place squares on baking sheet (I like to place them on a silpat on the baking sheet) and bake for 12-16 minutes.
Ribbons of freshly shredded cheddar. I love the simplicity and the flavour it brings.
We make millet biscuits all the time, so this dough is one of my favourites. So lovely. And easy. And since this recipe shares all the dry ingredients, you can make a mix and use it for either.
When baked, they’re wonderful. Subtle cheddar flavour, and brilliant biscuit form. I’m such a sucker for biscuits.
It’s a great time to stop and smell the roses. Figuratively and literally- if you’re lucky enough to stumble upon a rose garden, as I was. I love this time of year. Routine is just starting to return, and nature is bright and reminding me how valuable each moment is.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I’m thankful for so much, but one of the biggest things is this space. Thank you for all the good you bring to it. It’s truly a joy to share here.

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }
I’m glad you decided to go with a Thanksgiving-themed post 😀
Have a wonderful weekend, Lauren!
Wow these look good Lauren! Can’t wait to try them!
These look marvelous. Perfect for the season. Your roses are gorgeous too. Thank You for sharing!
Hey Lauren!
I just started my senior year in high school and I’ve only been gluten-free for a month, and I’m a TOTAL foodie so it’s super encouraging to see another teen making awesome gluten free food (: thank you so much!
Lauren I’m just starting on this, and after four days I feel better, so I know I’m on the right track although the “experts” want to cal it something else. I can’t buy all these things at once, but I did buy brown rice flour, and buckwheat flour, both Bob’s, small packets compared to the other choices. Do you think I can use either or a mix of these flours in this recipe? I’m on a senior’s budget. Thank you
I have been gluten free for over a year and a half! it took a while to get used to this ‘lifestyle’ but now you could say that i am almost pro! i’ve only browsed your blog a few times but it is very inspiring.
Do you have any cheese suggestions for those of us who can’t have dairy?
Schist, you might try replacing the millet with brown rice. I would stick with the tapioca and sweet rice flours though (but they are fairly inexpensive compared to many of the flours out there).
Caroline, I’ve never used any cheese substitutes, so I don’t even know where to begin! You could certainly try it with your favourite dairy-free cheese, or simply use my recipe for millet biscuits (substituting the butter, of course). I haven’t done many experiments with dairy-free baking, so I’m sorry I can’t help more!
I made these biscuits this morning and they were delicious! My boyfriend, who does not have celiac, said “these are the best cheese biscuits I’ve ever had!” Thanks for the great recipes.
Hi Lauren, it looks like you have some great recipes. My niece has been gluten free since she was 18 months old and she is now 33 and my son was just diagnosed 2 years ago and he is 35. We have been cooking gluten free for years and have developed some great recipes. It so much easier to be gluten free in the last couple of years with all of the products out there now and stores actually have gluten free sections, YEAH!! Have you tried Tom Sawyer Flour? It comes from Arizona and it is a wonderful ready to go cup to cup flour blend. Thank you for your site I look forward to try many of your recipes.