Eighteen was healthy. Maybe that seems like an odd declaration to start this off, but for anyone who has dealt with illness for years, that statement is the dream. Eighteen was the first year since I fell ill at thirteen that I haven’t been ill. I’ve caught the odd cold, but that’s it. Colds. Just like anyone else. Needless to say, Eighteen was a good year. It was also the one of most change and most life of my teenage years thus far.
I graduated. I took the courses that illness made me miss. I got my driver’s license. I worked. I moved to France. I started living on my own. I met so many incredible people. I saw so many incredible things.
Today, I turn Nineteen. That last teenage year is upon me. It starts in the French Alps, surrounded by friends from all over the world, and will carry so much joy. Of that, I am sure. It’ll bring University, a new city, and so much new knowledge and new people. I’m excited to claim Nineteen as my own.
And, as always, the 20th of April also marks the anniversary of this site. Today, it’s four years old. Four! Have I really been doing this that long? Dear me. I love how much it’s evolved over the years. And once I get back to Canada, I’m looking forward to sharing more recipes and goodness like that. For now, all I can give is the odd snippet of life here.
The past few weeks, I’ve found myself writing down things I’ve learned and been reminded of. While in France, and over this past year. So, here we go. Eighteen, thank you. Nineteen, let’s do this.
Nineteen, I’m looking forward to dancing with you, to printing a whole bunch of the photos I make with you, to laughing, to breathing, loving and learning. To traveling and stumbling. To reading and watching. To more French, both here and home. To reunions and new friends. To dreams and the unknown.
All my love.
PS- I was on Teen Vogue a few weeks back. Definitely a cool moment in Eighteen.

{ 17 comments… read them below or add one }
Lauren, happy 19 and 4th!
I always forget your “only” 19 because you are so wise and have such a way with words and this post simply proves it again. That list is totally something to live by!
I’m glad we had the chance to meet when you were 18, hope to see you again at 19!
Je te souhaite une journee magnifique et tout tes voeux devient un realite:)
Happy birthday Lauren! I can’t believe you are only 19. Such wonderful times, from the past and in the future for you. Gorgeous photos. I hope, at some point during your 19th year, we get to see each other again…
Happy birthday, Lauren! I only just discovered you recently on Instagram, then Twitter, and now to your blog. I love the way you communicate – in pictures, in words – it’s beautiful! I was so impressed with you that I recommended you to my 9 year old daughter as a good person to follow on Instagram (and that’s saying something, I’m quite protective of her in the internet environment). You write beautifully. Thank-you for sharing your journey.
Beautiful post, my dear! Wishing you the happiest of birthday’s & wish you a wonderful year ahead!
Lauren, if only we were all as wise as you when we were 19. Wishing you much (more) success and happiness at 19. You are a star. xo
What a beautiful post filled with so many words of wisdom, well beyond your age of 19. All the best to you this year!
What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your kind words of wisdom and here’s to a great year ahead! Happy Birthday!
So beautiful I shared on FB. Thank you! Enjoy chasing those dreams.
Beautiful, Lauren. Hope you have a fantastic year enjoying your last of the teens!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Lauren! I haven’t commented very often, but I am a grateful subscriber. Thank You so much for sharing your life lessons & your beautiful spirit! Hope this year is the best one you’ve had yet.
Wonderful post and beautiful photos. Happy 19th (and 4th), Lauren!
And you are absolutely right, language IS so much more than words.
Dear Lauren, Happy Belated Birthday…we share the same date! I have been gluten free for 9 years, and agree that health is not something that I take for granted. I love your posts, your pictures and your recipes. It’s a summery day today back in Calgary. Enjoy France!
What a beautiful post, Lauren! From the heartwarming hand-written notes to the glimpses of beauty, both rare and everyday, captured in your photos, it was a joy to take in. Wishing you all the best for your 19th year!
Happy (belated) Birthday Lauren! Congratulations on everything that’s happened. Keep it up!
I hope you had a lovely birthday! How wonderful to spend a year in france! Good luck on your next adventures 🙂
Hope you’re having fun in France! I just gave you a One Lovely Blog award, come check it out 🙂
It’s so wonderful you’ll have these thoughts and ideas to hang onto for reference years from now. We often don’t keep them, and I think it’s so important. You are so wise beyond your years — a belated Happy Birthday to you!